Interview with Jeremy Isao Speier
Jeremy Isao Speier makes kinetic works using motors, neons, ready-mades, photos, wood, and various materials. He recently developed a new series of works involving hand-made electronic circuits for a residency at The Western Front (Vancouver). The title of the project comes from a previous work that used a Copal motor with text that read "Made in Japan." In my interview with him, Jeremy discusses his art approach to manufacture objects using obsolete and self-made technological forms and how he uses fragmented narratives and images to create a body of work tied together by concept and visual models.
The following is an excerpt from the interview found online at
OC: The speed of the work, as subtle as minute hand movements, leaves a memorable impression. With the kinetic sculpture descriptor, I generally anticipate robotic actions or mobiles. Surprisingly, these works are closer in resemblance to Joseph Cornell's boxes with added sedate moving parts and subdued lights as a bonus. It appears the work is designed to require more than a passing glance for any type of meaningful read to develop. Regarding this formal use of gradual duration: Are these subtle motions a semiotic device or do these kinetic elements point the viewer towards the works retrospective narratives?
JIS: Yes, subtle motion is incorporated as the sign and symbol of electromechanical bodies of motion.
"It is time-based and interactive.The allegorical narrative
is of a fragmented emblem of a personal past made present again.
The motion is slow, calm and mesmerizing
to evoke a dream-like quality."
Image: Detail from Jeremy Isao Speier's "Made in Japan" (2006)
The following is an excerpt from the interview found online at
OC: The speed of the work, as subtle as minute hand movements, leaves a memorable impression. With the kinetic sculpture descriptor, I generally anticipate robotic actions or mobiles. Surprisingly, these works are closer in resemblance to Joseph Cornell's boxes with added sedate moving parts and subdued lights as a bonus. It appears the work is designed to require more than a passing glance for any type of meaningful read to develop. Regarding this formal use of gradual duration: Are these subtle motions a semiotic device or do these kinetic elements point the viewer towards the works retrospective narratives?
JIS: Yes, subtle motion is incorporated as the sign and symbol of electromechanical bodies of motion.
"It is time-based and interactive.The allegorical narrative
is of a fragmented emblem of a personal past made present again.
The motion is slow, calm and mesmerizing
to evoke a dream-like quality."
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